
about image

Over the years, Sikshsasandhan has successfully worked on education, adolescents, food and nutrition, health, livelihood, skill development, sports for inclusion and tribal identity and heritage among the tribal communities across the state of Odisha. We firmly believe that sustainable change in tribal areas is possible when tribal communities have power and control over their own lives. 


Our Vision

Sikshasandhan shares the vision of a society where all human beings shall exercise their freedom, rights and ability to learn and grow with dignity and self-esteem, organise their inner potential, and live in harmony with nature and society.


Our Mission

The mission of Sikshasandhan is to promote a form of education, inspired by the life experiences of people, especially the marginalised, their struggles, achievements, hopes and aspirations – a form of education driven by critical human consciousness, and, therefore, liberating and transformational.


Our Goal

The goal of Sikshasandhan is to create an educational environment where value-based, quality education will be available and accessible to the most marginalised sections of society, and where the internal urge of every human being to learn, think, act and express oneself can be freely and creatively fulfilled.